Friday, February 25, 2011

Knight Ad Proposal!!! Please give your feedback!

Hello everyone!  So I just got back Knight Ad's marketing and branding proposal for us and I have to say I am very impressed.  They worked very hard and listened to our needs and created some amazing options for us.  Below are the logos and mottos that they came up with.  I would like to get your feedback on which logo and motto you think best represent our organization.  Please use the comment option below to voice your opinion.  I would like to have both decided on by March 1st so that we can incorporate them on our new shirts! Thanks everyone!


Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3:
 Option 4:


Option 1:
 “Giving you the tools to give back.”

Option 2:
“Giving back begins here.”

Option 3:
“Working toward giving back.”

Option 4:
“We learn outside the classroom.”

Option 5:
“Gaining experience while making a difference.”


  1. Hi Becky,

    I like logo option 2 best and motto option 1 best. Great job!

    Rachel Calderon

  2. Thank you for the feedback, Rachel!

  3. Option 1 or 2 for the logo. (The others are hard on the eyes)

    Option 1 for the motto.

  4. Logo 1 or 2 look good but I'm not a fan of any of the mottos. I propose something like " Be the change" or " Learning how to change the world"

  5. i really like logo number 4 and mottos 2 and 5.

    They look great though!

  6. Logo 4, motto 3 is my preference.

  7. I like logo 4 and motto 1 or 5.

    -Sam Greenberg
