Monday, February 28, 2011


Hosted by your Classmates! The money will benifit The Boys and Girls Club along with the NMSA trip to AHMI.

Where: March 17th 6pm at Stardust Video and Coffee
How much: $5 entry fee for each player
Prizes go to the top two players.
Treats for the first 20!
Play a game from our past to help support our future!

Check out the Facebook event page:!/event.php?eid=106597752754102 and make sure not to miss out on a fun time and an oppurtunity that will benifit YOU!


Here is the link to order form to buy a shirt for Relay for Life. PAYMENT IS DUE NO LATER THAN MARCH 1ST.

UPDATE:  If you weren't able to get your money and order forms to Carole today, please send her an email and she will work things out with you.  The extended deadline goes until this Friday.
Carole's email is:

Please print this Order Form out and turn it in to Carole with your money:


Friday, February 25, 2011

Knight Ad Proposal!!! Please give your feedback!

Hello everyone!  So I just got back Knight Ad's marketing and branding proposal for us and I have to say I am very impressed.  They worked very hard and listened to our needs and created some amazing options for us.  Below are the logos and mottos that they came up with.  I would like to get your feedback on which logo and motto you think best represent our organization.  Please use the comment option below to voice your opinion.  I would like to have both decided on by March 1st so that we can incorporate them on our new shirts! Thanks everyone!


Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3:
 Option 4:


Option 1:
 “Giving you the tools to give back.”

Option 2:
“Giving back begins here.”

Option 3:
“Working toward giving back.”

Option 4:
“We learn outside the classroom.”

Option 5:
“Gaining experience while making a difference.”

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Relay Fundraising

Hi everyone!  While you are getting sponsors and donations for Relay for Life, please make sure that checks are made out to American Cancer Society.  Thanks!


Friday, February 18, 2011

Nominate a Member!

Recognize members of the association for any achievements or just for doing a good job in an internship/volunteer or/committee, etc. Fill out the form attached below and the Membership committee will read the nominations aloud at the next NPMSA meeting! Please send the completed form to Rachel Calderon at

Nomination Form (link corrected!)


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Who doesn't love some Fro-yo?

And yes, by "fro-yo" I mean FROZEN YOGURT!

Come out and support the Nonprofit Management Student Association Relay for Life team, and our fight against cancer! This is a great way to meet new people, hang out with old friends, and support a great cause!
20% of the proceeds will go to The Nonprofit Student Association’s Relay for Life team which will benefit the American Cancer Society!

Our event is ALL DAY on THIS Friday, Feburary 18th at Yogurtopia, the UCF location (4498 North Alafaya Trail Orlando, FL 32826)! Just simply purchase your favorite flavor of frozen yogurt and present our flyer to the staff.

Don't forget to check it out on facebook:

Spring 2011 2/15 Meeting

Sorry about the delay in the post, our meeting on February 15th was full of a lot of new important information!
Becky is currently working with Knights Ad-Club in getting us a logo as part of a re-branding effort. This logo should be finished sometime this week along with our name change. In order to change our name from American Humanics to Nonprofit Management Student Association at UCF (NMSA at UCF) official, we need to vote as an organization on our amendments and then she need to get it approved by OSI. Unfortunately we ran out of time last class and was not able to vote, but will be doing so shortly. When she became she had a vision of where NMSA should be and she is sure making huge strides, THANKS BECKY!

Our VP, Wayne clarified some confusion about committee. Everyone should now know what committee you are in, who your committee chair is and what your responsibilities will be.
Ruth and the fundraising committee are working on some great things for our organization; they are really making an impact! We are so thrilled! They are currently working on a tee-shirt design and having them made for purchase. Also, they are working on a ton of fundraising events to assist with AHMI or our relay for life team, they are as follows:
·         A Bake on Tuesday, February 22nd from 10am-2pm in the free speech area of UCF, by the library. They had a sign-up sheet and if you signed up to table, please make sure you are there. Perkins sponsored this fundraiser.
·         Shoe Box for Change- boxes were given out during the meeting to collect money for Relay for Life. If you took a box, you signed your name on a list. These are due back on March 15th at the next NMSA meeting.
·         Spirit night- which will be held on March 3rd at Friendly’s from 5-8, fliers were handed out. Friendly’s was nice enough to offer us 10% of all sales without a flier. This is an awesome deal considering most fundraisers require a flier, meaning will we get 10% of anything purchases in that time frame. Please come out and tell your friends to come! Someone will be there from NMSA as a reprehensive and this is a great time for us to hang out together as an organization outside of school.
·         Office clean up- was suggested to us as a fundraising idea. In essence, we would provide a cleaning service for our professors and charge a reasonable fee. PLEASE ask your professors if this would interest them, we will find out more at the March 15th meeting.
·         Relay for Life- as you all know, we are very excited to participate in RFL in the fight against Cancer. We hope that you will all register online or collect money in your shoe boxes and take partake in actual event. Becky showed us how to go about using the online tools that RFL have created to make fundraising easy such as emailing or using facebook to promote. Ruth has created a sponsorship proposal to hand out to local business in helping us create tee-shirts. The sponsors will be featured in the back on the tee-shirt and Ruth handed out the form at the meeting to anyone that was interested. We threw out some ideas for activities to produce during RFL, some of them were hot chocolate if we have access to a power source, face painting and arts and crafts. The general theme is “port of call” and for our team we were thinking about our theme “sea creatures” and incorporating that into our booth and outfits somehow.
The historical committee and myself have created a display board to use at events. Hopefully we will devise a system to get this display board to our events. The historical committee will be in charge of attending events and keeping a visual and written report for internal uses. I now have everyone’s email and am currently working on a template and information to send. Please stay tuned, I will be emailing this information this week!
If you would like the minutes, Lynnea (secretary) would be happy to email them to you.  Just ask her!
Membership and Rachel have now finalized a nomination form for superior member. There is more information on a blog post. See below.
Our new PR chair, Gabby is looking for branding oppurtunites and ideas. We need to get our organization more connected around UCF and in the Orlando Non-profit community so please helps is new PR efforts and feel free to email her at .

Christina was absent but Rebecca filed in for the community service chair. These are the upcoming volunteer events. They are also in the calander
·         Springtime at Harbor House - Fri 2/25 from 5-7
·          Pineloch Elementary- Fri 2/18 from 2:30 – 6:30
·          Games with the Elderly -Sat 2/19 from 1-3:30
·         Late Knights -2/25 from 9pm-2am
·         Quest’s Camp Thunderbird for Seminole County school - Camp will be 3/21-25 (Seminole county), 3/28-4/1 (orange county)
·         Relay for life- 4/1
o    Alana Leger ( has the idea to glue different color buttons on a pin to represent a persons relation so someone they know who has battles with cancer. We voted in this and it got approved.
*We are collecting arts and craft supplies for the hospitals, Lorena is collecting the materials. Please bring to next meeting.

I know this is a lot of information, but it summarizes the meeting which contained a lot of new information. Hope you all have a great week and see you on March 15th for the next meeting!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Come help...

The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation is looking for volunteers to help with a "walk to cure a disease: Diabetes" on March 4th and March 5th from 12-5. The event will be held at Memory Mall on UCF campus and volunteers will mainly be helping with clean up. For more information feel free to contact Daniel Appleman at (850)316-6914 or

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lauren Nelson of Best Buddies at next AFP Mtg

Hello everyone!

The Association of Fundraising Professionals at UCF is hosting speaker Lauren Nelson of Best Buddies at their next meeting on Tuesday February 22 in CL 1 room 105 from 4:30 - 5:45pm. "Best Buddies is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD)." (Best Buddies International)  Don't miss out on this wonderful speaker!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Join our Relay for Life Team!

Hey Everyone!  If you haven't already done so, you should join our Relay for Life team!  This will allow you to easily send emails to all your friends and family, as well as utilize a Facebook app designed specifically for fundraising.  This will also allow you to keep track of how much you've raised and set a personal fundraising goal for yourself.

We have already raised $160 as a team for Relay and the American Cancer Society!!!  

All you have to do to join is go to this link:

and click "Join Our Team" and follow the instructions given.

We already have more donations than many other teams that are signed up so let's keep up the great work!


Monday, February 7, 2011


Our fundraising committee is looking for donation help for our Relay for Life team:

 -People who will be willing to go out to the community and represent the American Humanics- you will be in charge of taking the letters to potential sponsors

-Anyone with connections or idea's of small businesses who will be willing to sponsor us

- People to also donate block of papers and arts and crafts supplies

Lorena Cabrices is in charge of community outreach. Please contact her for additional information.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Made Easy.

I am talking about One Brick Orlando, a NPO that brings volunteers together and engaged in local NPO. They do this by "adopting an innovative twist to the volunteer experience: we create a friendly and social atmosphere around volunteering, and after each volunteer event -- which typically lasts only 3 to 4 hours -- we invite volunteers to gather at a local restaurant or cafĂ© where they can get to know one another in a relaxed social setting."

The best part about One Brick is that it is commitment free, allowing you to volunteer when, where and as often as you like. I think considering we are multi-tasking college students-- that's a plus! One Brick NPO has 9 chapter in different cities; trying to build a sense of community, provide networking and volunteering opportunities . As stated before, they focus on the volunteers having an individual experience by adding input and even hosting your own events.

I think this is a FANTASTIC NPO and quit innovative to say the least. Want to learn more?!/OneBrickOrlando?v=info