General Information:
Executive Board 2012-2013
Vice- President - Shardy CamargoExecutive Board 2012-2013
President - Carole Becker
Secretary -Felicia Shelton
Treasurer- Candice Stribling
Historian- Daniela Gonzalez
Fund raising Chair- Jocelyn Williams
Fund raising Vice Chair- Jenay Byrd
Community Service Chair- Samantha Whitham
Community Service Vice Chair- Ashley Stewart
Public Relations Chair- Kotrish Wright
Photo/Video Chair- Ariel Lee
Remember: 1st semester students have the opportunity to contact their Mentors for leadership opportunities, questions/concerns, class related assigments, or anything else you need.
For 2nd and 3rd semester students and all other students Please contact our Public Relations Chair Kotrish Wright for opinions on making NMSA better ideas for social events,or questions or suggestions about our organization!
All officer will be contacted via the same email account, just make sure to write the officers name you wish to reach in the subject line and that person will respond in a timely manner.
Blog Website:
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